Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Pursuit of Frappiness

Hello blog, hello internet. My inconsistency has been disappointing. Remember when I used to post almost every day for like, 20 posts in a row? You've been sadly neglected, blog. You see, the university has taken up most of my time, and when I am not doing that... I'm probably watching netflix or sleeping. However, as I explore the depths of countless other blogs, I think of you and all the good times we've had.

In the short time I posted regularly I would remember to document events in life, be more creative with my outfits, write more, talk about God more and enjoy having small pieces of my life documented.

I suppose this pattern just continues to ring true to the title of my blog.

So, here it is blog, round two. Time to document as I try to balance my life and maybe be a tad less clumsy in pretty much everything I do.

So, internet, want to know something great about my day?


You see blog, I just started liking coffee about two months ago. Over 21 years of life I was one of those people who didn't like coffee. I was that person awkwardly trying to find the non-coffee options at coffee houses. Enough was enough though and over spring break I committed to learning to like coffee. (Because obviously it was THAT important).

I began by drinking it with about 30 packets of sugar and two cups of half and half per cup of coffee, but slowly weened myself off and now can enjoy a cup with just a little half and half.

This brings me to FRAPPY HOUR. A whole new event in my life to be excited about. One that countless others have celebrated with great enthusiasm and passion. One I never knew. I didn't even know what frappy hour was until my roommate enthusiastically described to me that it was the combination of "Happy Hour" and "Frappicino." The beautiful event that Starbucks puts on where they offer 1/2 price fraps between 3 and 5pm. This delicious concoction costs me only $2.12. Good day, good day my friend.

Another aspect of my life that I have been trying to balance has been healthy eating. Moving out of my house, living on my own, starting at UCSB, life, etc. caused a lot of stress and I tended to fluctuate a lot with the way I ate. I would go a week eating beautifully- full of vegetables and all that jazz. Then other weeks where every other day I was in the Wendy's drive thru getting a frosty. (Why am I so inconsistent???). So, the last three weeks I have been extra intentional with eating clean, wholesome, and natural foods. Obviously, blog, my frap doesn't count as part of that- but I also believe it's not bad to treat yourself here and there.

Therefore, to make up for the frap, dinner was extra wholesome (and kind of stupid) but tasty all the same.

Turkey burger topped with Trader Joe's Roasted Tomatillo and Fage 2% greek yogurt with a billion green beans and broccoli.
All eaten while watching a rather intense episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

DISCLOSURE:  (capitalizing this and making it bold makes it seem more important than what I am about to say is) I'm really not much of a cook and tend to make really simple meals- but I think that is required when getting through college and trying to be healthy at the same time!

To close this post, blog, is an overly intense picture of me staring out of a window. I just liked my shirt and earrings and thought they deserved a little acknowledgement, you know? I know you used to love fashion, blog. 

Shirt: Old Navy
Earrings: Wal-Mart (Surprising, right!?)
Not Pictured: Levi Skinny Jeans and Nude Flats from Macy's

p.s. I understand that I am wearing something different in the previous picture, so yes, you caught me, I changed outfits today. Sue me. 

In hopes of a productive day tomorrow as well as another blog post, I bid you adieu blog.

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