Monday, July 9, 2012

You want to be a planner? Like a wedding planner?

No internet, not that kind of planner. ;)

Blazer: Old Navy (thrifted)
Top: Old Navy
Jeans: Target
Shoes: Payless
Watch: Charming Charlie

Today I started my internship at a Planning and Development office! If you didn't know internet, my current career goal is to become a professional land use planner (with an environmental resources perspective) for a city or a county. I was fortunate enough to land an internship this summer in an actual planning office! So far its been a great experience and I can already tell that I am going to be learning a lot! Yay! 

(I gave this blog the title it has because when I forget the 'land use' part when I say I want to be a planner, that is usually the response I get, which I would probably think the same!)

The office is very business-casual, leaning more toward the casual side. I'm really happy about this because my wardrobe consists of little full-on business attire. I recently bought these pair of super dark-wash boot-cut jeans so that they felt more 'professional.' They are Denzien by Levi's, and so far, really comfortable! 

Side Note: My shoes also have a slight wedge on them and are dark purple (I know you were having the internal conflict of, "are they black? no wait, purple? no, they are black. no, purple. no, definitely black.") Well, sorry friend, they are indeed dark purple. 

In other SUPER EXCITING PLANNING NEWS (I know that planning probably sounds really boring if you are not a nerd about it like I am, so I added some caps lock for you. You're welcome.) as a student member of the American Planning Association (APA), I received my first issue of Planning Magazine! I was probably a little too excited when I realized that 1. I had mail (which never happens) and 2. That it was a whole magazine about planning! (Told ya--nerd alert)

To top it off, internet, St. Louis was on the cover! St. Louis is where Intervarsity's global missions conference, Urbana, is held every three years, which I attended in 2009 and will hopefully be going to again this year! 

(I should probably get paid for this endorsement, right? You're welcome APA, I know membership is probably going to sky rocket now)

Until tomorrow, internet. Goodnight. 

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

I would definitely pay you! You're going to be great at your new internship!