Friday seemed like a day with no stops. It was get up and go. For mornings like that it requires things like these:
Coffee bright and early.
Quick breakfast. I love these Luna Bars- so tasty and filling when paired with a piece of fruit.
...more coffee while running errands!
I had to gather a few things for baking for an event that evening as well as preparing some Mother's Day gifts for my Mom and Grandma.
While perusing the gift bag section I cam upon this lovely bag courtesy of the one and only Taylor Swift. Good job, T. Swift, what an entrepreneur! However, Taylor, if you read this, I'm a bit disappointed in the product. You see, the butterfly only had glitter on
one side of the bag. I'm sure you could afford to glitter both sides, right? I mean, it's not much to ask for.
The finished gift wrapping (plus my pillow pet, Alfred. He is quite the ham for being a moose):
After a full morning followed a well deserved lunch break:
This is "healthy" egg-salad. Normally egg-salad is high in fat and calories because of the globs of mayonnaise in it. Don't get me wrong, it is delicious, and still much more delicious than this excuse of an egg salad sandwich. However, this was still pretty good and had kind of the same affect.
I hard boiled two eggs. Once boiled I removed the yoke of one egg, but kept the other for flavor. I smashed them up with two healthy (healthy as in large) spoonfuls of roasted red pepper hummus and chopped up celery. I added some pepper for flavor as well and combined it with some organic baby spinach on a organic spelt English muffin. Then, a little asparagus on the side. Pretty good, I must say.
You know something else that is crazy? I actually managed to get an outfit photo today! It's been a while, blog.
Chambray Shirt: Gift
Floral tank: Gift
Black Skinnies: Levi's (purchased on Amazon)
Flats: Madden Girl flats (purchased at Ross)
Earrings: Claire's
Looking away shots are always so much deeper.
My housemate was kind enough to take a few photos of me and decided that she wanted to jump in herself. :)
Then we were a bit silly...
Interesting things out other people's apartments. What up creeper.
Can we get some whine with that cheesiness? ;)
Then there was cupcake baking with a few friends...
Rest of the night consisted of InterVarsity large group, talent show, and roommate hangoutage.
More on the weekend later, it is definitely time for some sleep.