I have been lacking so much in the blogging department lately. It makes me sad because I enjoy doing it so much. I think I've just been in a weird place and find myself not wanting to stay on the internet very long. I think something though I wish to do, is be more open and honest in my blog. I want to be more vulnerable with some things and feelings that are going on. I always admire people who are able to share several aspects of their life with others through their blog. I'm looking for that same outlet and community.
Also, I am up to five followers! That amazes me because two of them I don't know! Thank you for following and I'm sorry for the lack of posts.
At this time of my life, I feel like I'm searching for a lot of inner healing. A Clumsy Way of Healing might be a more appropriate name for my blog at the moment. I won't go into too personal details, but life has been so interesting lately. I have been so up and down and all over the place, mentally especially. I'm continually searching for what I want, how I feel, what I'm supposed to be. I'm really seeking to let Jesus be the center of my life but finding that I'm struggling giving up control. I like to make plans myself and have an idea of my future. I can get caught up in the ideas of success and wanting to achieve. However, my reasons behind it are not right. I want to do it for me, to be able to say "look what I did." I feel that should change from, "look what I did," to "look at how God is working through my life." In reality, whatever I do, it's because he wants me there. I can walk in so much rest if only I just allowed it to happen.
A major step I am taking, and feeling God push me towards, is going out and serving. I have been to so many conferences, teachings, meetings, sermons and bible studies. I have done service here and their in some areas, but lack in many other areas. However, I just feel a desire for something bigger. To put years of teaching into real action. The opportunity came up to go live in Fresno, CA for 6 weeks through a program called FUI (Fresno Urban Internship.) I am going to be learning to work in Urban ministry in one of the poorest cities in the nation. Their is so much brokenness in Fresno, and in reality I am terrified to displace myself like this. However, I know that God already has the experience planned out for me. It is going to be trans-formative. I'm praying that not only will God use me to give to others whatever I can, but I'm praying that He teaches me and grows me in ways that I couldn't have imagined. I'm excited, scared, nervous and full of joy. This will be my first time doing any kind of ministry like this- I'm going to be stretched!
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'-Matthew 25:40
Following Jesus is a Crazy Way of Life. It's incredible. It's scary. It's uncomfortable. It's beautiful.
This weekend, I am going to a cross-cultural ministry training called S.T.I.M (Students Training In Missions). I'm really looking forward to the content and am so amazed that I will even be there! I never thought I would be someone to do something like this, but I guess God saw me fit for it.
Another plus is that I will be going with some really close friends! There will be six of us, I believe going. Two of us to FUI and the others will be going to Bosnia! Who knew God would be bringing people to work on such a broad scale from just a little community college in a city no one has heard of?
Wishing a lovely weekend for everyone,
good luck with your Fresno trip, God moves in mysterious ways and very often when you least expect it
i actually never knew what STIM stood for until now. i feel a lot better now that i do. thanks, shannon :)
Shannon, your blog is awesome! And I'm terrified right there with you girl! But it will be great to see how much God can and will work and transform us and the city this summer :)
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