Sunday, March 21, 2010


I’ve realized that my weekends this semester have been really relaxed. With having Mondays off, I really get the chance to use the weekends as a time to rest and just enjoy friends and family. I’m feeling really blessed right now because of that fact.
My brother, who lives an hour away, came and spent the weekend with us! It was great to have him home. I noticed our house feels the most normal when the whole family is in. Friday was spent sleeping in and kind of just hanging around the house. Also, I meant up with two close friends for a group we started. It’s kind of about being a Christian while also being in a relationship. It is a really interesting dynamic to try to work out. We told our stories of how we met our boyfriends, the story of what it’s been like together, etc. I’m looking forward to exploring this topic and hearing others perspectives on what it’s like being a Christian and being in a relationship. I think there is going to be a lot to learn and opportunities to individual grow as well as grow in our relationships. The rest of Friday was spent with my parents, and then later in the evening I hung out with Daniel. We went to a local diner to get pancakes at 11pm. It felt like a food one-night-stand as I haven’t had pancakes in quite some time and it was a pretty rash decision. I definitely regretted it as they made me feel incredibly sluggish and full afterward. For people who have seen the movie Juno, when Juno tells her friend that she believes she is pregnant her friend asks her if she is sure it isn’t a food baby. I adopted the term and now whenever I am super full I call it a food baby. I usually name the baby based on what time of food I am eating. Pancake baby in a diner, I probably would name him Skip or something.
Anyways! Saturday was a really enjoyable day. My family went for a hike at a recreation area close to my home. We went on a beautiful hike that overlooks green landscapes and California hills. California is so beautiful.
Part of the trail we hiked 
This is my dog max...he is pretty adorable.

California is so beautiful!
My outfit from Friday:
 This is such a fun tunic!
Tunic: Gift, from a small boutiqe
Leggings: JC Penney's
Boots: Thrifted
Socks: $1 Store
Earrings: Betsey Johnson, gift
Necklace: Forever 21
Necklace: vintage
These were a gift from Daniel for Valentine's Day! They are really versatile and go with a ton, I find myself wearing them a lot!
Cute pocket detail.
My brother came home, got to spend some time with him, and we had a family bbq. My grandmother and Daniel came over too, and my Dad barbequed prime rib and chicken, and it was served with beans, baby potatoes and vegetables. Delicious meal and we probably way over ate, but it was worth every bite! We capped off the night, in the living room, enjoying conversation and laughter. I went to be quite happy Saturday night!
Today, Sunday, went well! I woke up, spent the morning with my family, had some cereal, got ready, and went to spend the day with Daniel. We went thrifting a bit and he found a really cool vintage looking brief case and I found a shirt dress. We also went and got sushi together (yum!) and then went to church. Church tonight was another great teaching on Ephesians. It really hit me in some areas as it discussed the topic of bitterness.
Afterward, came home and just relaxed with Daniel and my parents!
Outfit for the day:
  Shirt: Kohls (hard to tell but it is a light pink, more of a sweater)
Denim Shorts: Kohls
Tights: Target
Flats: Target
Blazer: Old Navy, thrifted
Earrings: Betsey Johnson, purchased at Ross

I'm still in disbelief I can wear my hair in this high of a bun! 

Now, time to go into Monday knowing that it is already blessed.
Wishing everyone great Mondays! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like youre having fun!
loving the outfit, cute dog!
thanks for sharing darling
and thanks for the sweet comments, means so much!
