Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bold in Red

Thursdays are some of my favorite days. It is my last day of school before the weekend, I have bible study, and get to spend time with my closest friends. That is always a good day!
Today, my chemistry class was canceled so I was able to have some free time, buy snacks for my bible study, and get some lunch. My co-leader, Tim, and I went over to the grocery store to get supplies for our bagel bar we planned for study. It was a pretty big hit too! Tim brought a toaster from home and we had cream cheese, jelly and butter with blueberry and cinnamon raisin bagels. They were fattening and delicious. Everyone seemed to enjoy it as well. On top of that we had a really good study and we began to learn what Jesus says about justice. It is also really interesting how many different opinions people have about justice. My eyes have really been open to just how broad of a concept this is and how many different ways it could go. So learning about what God might think about justice, and how He would define it was good and interesting. We have a few more weeks and passages to dig into while still exploring this and being challenged in our own preconceptions.
After bible study, I went with the best friend, Kylie, to Target. Like always, Target is always fun. Even when it is buying shampoo or other domestic products. I really love domestic shopping, not sure why, but I do enjoy it. Afterward, we had a yummy dinner at El Pollo Loco, and talked for a few hours over some diet coke (I know, not Pepsi, I was just as disappointed.)
The rest of the night will be spent at home with my family and some quality time with Daniel :)

My outfit for today:
I found this dress at the thrift store last week and just loved the button detail!

Dress: thrifted
Shoes: Payless
Belt: Ross

A close up to the button detail on the dress. So cute!

I'm happy that my hair is finally getting long enough to do a high bun!

Super versatile pair of heels, they go with a ton of outfits! 

Wishing everyone a super fantastic Friday! :)

1 comment:

BettyJo said...

You looked adorable today classy real classy girl. I love your bun too :)